Therapeutic Money
Money. An object used to conveniently exchange products.
Common for the whole world due to its obvious necessity. However, one must dare to ask, what is money? What is their worth in our lives? Can money have a therapeutic value?
Two Worlds
Humans recognize two worlds, the internal and the external world. To live more authentically and consciously, humans need to pay attention to both worlds equally. With the outer world consisting of the necessary goods in order to survive and the inner world comprised of the intellectual and psychological core, humans need to balance their life between the two. And they can do that with the help of money.
Just a piece of paper
In Greek, the word for money is “nomisma” which emanates from the words “nomos” which is the law and “nomizw” which means “I suppose, or I believe”. So, in reality, money is just a piece of paper. It has no real value. But we suppose that it has. A supposition that all humanity has agreed upon, or a shared illusion if you may, it is a clever way to make daily exchanges of products in an easy manner.
According to Professor Needleman, the wise men who created that tool, already knew about the double nature of human life. And so they did, for man to acquire more time and energy in order to pay more attention on his inner world. They created a tool that symbolizes this double nature. Thus, some ancient coins, as well as some modern ones, depict a religious symbol from the one side, and a secular from the other.
Contemporary times
Nowadays however, humans of the modern world live in a paradoxical way, because we recognize the world of money
as the only reality that is worth paying attention to. This happens because we haven’t given much attention to our inner world in order to recognize how real it is and the impact it has in our everyday lives. By studying our behavior towards money, we take the responsibility to start recognizing the differences between our outer and inner world. Thus, we might be able to understand the impact they both have on becoming the person we are.
Let’s allow money to regain the role they were made for. The symbol that highlights the importance of attending to both worlds in our lives. And so, by encountering money symbolically, they become therapeutic, their current value is debunked, and consequently, the value of our internal lives is increased. This personal net worth will allow us to understand how much do we value our existence and therefore ask ourselves not only how much did I spend today but also, how much did I live today? The more we recognize how we live in the present moment, the better we become in understanding how we want to live. And if the present moment is the coin of time, then it must be true that Time is money friend.