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Therapeutic Love

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The Psychoanalytic theory describes that the embryo is experiencing the oceanic feeling. Like the ocean, deep, dark and vast, reaching every inch of the globe, so is the fetus. It experiences a sense of infinity and oneness with the whole world. In other words, the embryo experiences an ubiquitous love. The need for such love remains through the whole lifespan. However, such need is important to be understood and modified.
Erich Fromm's theory
Such an approach was attempted by the psychoanalyst and sociologist Erich Fromm, who believed that in order to really talk about love, we must ask ourselves about the essence of human existence. What is essential about human existence is that when humans separated from a perfectly defined state, that is the realm of instincts, he acquired consciousness. And so, they entered a different state of being, which is indefinite. From that moment on, humans did not stop struggling with existential issues, such as insecurity, loneliness and uncertainty that they are called to overcome. Fromm believed that such moments of transcendence are realized through love, which in turn leads to human union.
Types of Love
Specifically, the author tried to organize the various forms of human love by classifying them into parental love, child love, brotherly love, self-love, divine and erotic love. And while there are indeed differences, at its core love aims at union. The union with our fellow humans. This longing for interpersonal union is the strongest tendency within us all.
The Active Character of Love
Such longing for others to love us however, often confuses us, and we tend to treat love passively, as if a quick search on the internet is enough to satisfy our longing. We forget that in order to change the way others love us, we must first upgrade our own ability to love. In other words, love is manifested by an active state. The active nature of love is made clear by the fact that it always involve some basic elements, common to all forms of love. These are care, responsibility, respect and knowledge (of our self and of the other).
And so love leads humans to overcome the feeling of isolation and separation from the world, but at the same time allowing them to be themselves and to maintain their existential uniqueness. In a way, humans seek to be led back to their respective wombs, but not literally by reversing, but symbolically, by moving forward, to overcome this separation, and escape the prison of their isolation. And the key to this reunification is love.
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